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Wizzrobe Wand-Duelist

Wand-Duelist Wizzrobes are dangerous, yet honorable, foes. They move in close to a prospective target, and attempt to initiate a Duel Circle with (ideally, just one) foe. If they succeed, they then begin blasting away at the foe with their Elemental Touch spell.

Wizzrobe Wand-Duelist
Rank 3 Arcane Protector
HP: 32 MP: 32 SP: 8
Defense: 13 (Heavy) Concentration: 17
Initiative: +6 Evasion: 12
Size: Medium Vitality: 14
Movement: 6 (Walking), 3 (Swimming)
Magic Salvo Damage: 19
To-Hit Check: +9 Range: Projectile 6
Duel Circle Damage: -
6 Magic (Bind) Range: Melee
You attempt to create a Burst 1 Duel Circle, centered on the target square. Roll To-Hit target’s Concentration; if all rolls succeed (or their targets acquiesce), you successfully create a Duel Circle; otherwise, the Bound Magic is returned to you. Creatures inside the Duel Circle are Hard to Hit by those outside the Duel Circle, and vice-versa. Any creature moving through the edge of the Duel Circle breaks the Duel Circle, Burning the Bound Magic. Breaking the Duel Circle inflicts 4 damage, unmitigated by Defense, upon whoever broke it; they are also Dazzled and Slowed until the end of their next turn.
Elemental Touch Damage: 21, (Element)
4 Magic Range: Melee
Roll To-Hit Target’s Concentration; on success, target is afflicted with the status associated with this creature’s current Element.
Wizzrobe’s Wave Damage: 21
3 Magic Range: Projectile 8
Default Weapon: Wizzrobe’s Wand
(Rank 3 Metal Rod)
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 11 Durability: 12
Arcanum Escutcheon
(Rank 3 Natural Shield)
Accuracy: 3 Attack: 10 Durability: 12
Phasing Step (Passive)
If this creature does not use its Standard Action in a given turn, it is Hard to Hit, and can pass through thin amounts of matter (such as grates or doors) until it uses a Standard Action or Reaction.
Telekinetic Talent (Passive)
This creature may use Arcana in place of Athletics for the purposes of initiating Combat Maneuvers.
Rational Intelligence, Magic Sense
Immunity: (Element), (Element’s status), (Element’s weather)
Vulnerability: (Vulnerability Element)
Combat 4 Willpower 8 Accuracy 5
Hearts 8 Magic 8 Stamina 2
Athletics 3 Arcana 8 Nature 2
Civilization 5 Perception 4 Agility 6
Fortitude 4 Influence 4 Command 5
Intimidate 6 Discipline 7 Insight 3
Mechanics 2 Perform 4 Guile 5
Smithing 2 Enchanting 8 Cooking 2
Drops Weapon (not the Escutcheon; when available)
3x Wizzrobe Mote (Rank 3 Monster Part)
1x (Element’s Gemstone) (Rank 3)

Wizzrobe and Elements

Wizzrobes’ Vulnerabilities and abilities depend on the element they’ve taken on. Use this table to determine what effects a Wizzrobe of a given element might have.

Element Gemstone Status Vulnerability Weather
(None) Amber Prone (None) Clear
Dark Onyx Blinded Light Coldsnap
Earth Emerald Sand-Covered Ice Sandstorm
Fire Ruby On Fire Water Heatwave
Ice Sapphire Slowed Fire Coldsnap
Light Diamond Cursed Dark Heatwave
Shock Topaz Off-Balance Earth Rain
Water Opal Soaked Shock Rain

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This is a mirror of Reclaim the Wild's supplement Ravage the Wild's rules and and is based on the publicly available PDFs of it. This website isn't in any way affiliated with either Nintendo, or the Reclaim the Wild's team.