A common bat-like monster – and reviled world-wide as annoyances – Keese live in the shadows of belfries, forests, and the upper reaches of cavernous rooms.
Keese are night-hunters, hanging from the ceiling until they sense a creature moving below them. Unable to distinguish a small Critter from a stout Hero, they will attack whatever creature has caught their attention until swatted down, hampering their accuracy against the foes that truly threaten them.
Keese Lore
Effortless (DC 4)
Keese are a common threat, even to villagers in their homes. To avoid them, be sure to clean your attic twice a year, and avoid being outdoors at night.
Novice (DC 7)
If you have a Keese infestation, a simple way to draw them out is to tie some bait (like a lively Critter or juicy hunk of meat) onto a string, toss the bait into the room the Keese inhabit, and wiggle it with a few swift tugs. When the Keese swoop down to feast, either lead them outside (taking care not to be seen by them as you do so), or strike them down.
Journeyman (DC 10)
Keese seem to have a natural affinity for containing elemental power, as evidenced by the wide array of elementally-typed Keese in the world. Wizards have long used their wings and eyeballs as ingredients in their potions, but a few have experimented with them as a way to generate large amounts of elemental energy… by breeding vast colonies of Keese, and keeping them contained and ravenous.