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Friendly Fire

By default, “friendly fire” is not active in Reclaim the Wild: a Hero’s attacks will not harm another Hero, and a Monster’s attacks will not harm another Monster, even if their fiendish friends are well within an attack’s range. (They may, of course, specifically decide to hit an ally, out of spite.)

In Master Mode, however, friendly fire is turned on. All combatants, friend and foe alike, are subject to all attacks, no matter their source! This means that combat becomes more strenuous and tactical – as well as more difficult and deadly. Heroes will want to coordinate their attacks and strategies, particularly if they enjoy using large area-of-effect spells. However, it also means that enemies will need to coordinate their attacks, or they may defeat themselves before the Heroes even have a chance.

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This is a mirror of the Reclaim the Wild's ruleset and his based on the publicly available PDFs of it. This website isn't in any way affiliated with either Nintendo, or the Reclaim the Wild's team.