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Elements and Monsters

Monsters may have an Immunity, Resistance, or Vulnerability to a damage type, like an element (Dark, Earth, Fire, Ice, Light, Shock, or Water), or a type of physical damage (Blunt, Sharp, or Piercing).

A Vulnerability means the creature takes an extra 4 damage when struck by that element, and can’t reduce the total damage below 4.

Resistances to a damage type come in Ranks; every Rank of Resistance reduces the damage from attacks of that type by 2 (before Defense and Reactions; minimum 1).

Generally, Monsters should not have both a Resistance and a Vulnerability to the same type of damage (except for the rare case where a Monster is aware of their weakness, and has taken steps to shore it up).

For more on Resistance, see Status Effects.

For more on Vulnerability, see Vulnerability.

A note for Swarms: Each Rank of Resistance reduces the number of squares destroyed by 1 (minimum 1). Attacks the Swarm has a Vulnerability to destroy an additional square of the Swarm. If the Swarm has both, divide the Rank of Resistance by 2.

Immunity to a type of damage means that all attacks of that type deal 0 damage to the creature, regardless of other damage types, Vulnerabilities, or other effects. No creature should be Immune to more than a single type of damage!

As a guideline, most Monsters should only have up to three kinds of Vulnerabilities or Resistances, in total.

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This is a mirror of the Reclaim the Wild's ruleset and his based on the publicly available PDFs of it. This website isn't in any way affiliated with either Nintendo, or the Reclaim the Wild's team.