Originally posted on the official website on April 1st, 2021
Heroic Arms: Navigating the Darkness Core v2.02
Table of contents
Happy April, everyone! With the Northern Hemisphere firmly in Spring’s warm grasp, and the Southern feeling Autumn’s cool caress, we’re happy to bring you another new and fun way to handle your adventures in Hyrule (or maybe even beyond)!
This time, community member (and now two-time article contributor) Maddie has handed us a traditional Reclaim the Wild presentation of a beloved and classic element of the Zelda world. Check out her contribution below, and then pop into our Discord and give her a hand!

Art by Nintendo
What is the sound
of one hand clapping?
Average Height: 2-3 Cubits (2-4″)
Average Weight: 6 – 10 lbs.
Life Line: The crease in the palm at the base of the thumb
Skin Colors: Pale to Umber
Nail Color: Slightly yellowed unless painted
Cleanliness: Please wash your hand…
Vulnerability: Light
- Somehow, you emerge from various obscured spaces. You may choose to occupy an opening large enough to fit an arm through, regardless of how small the space is within said opening. This can include appearing through a small opening in a surface or object, or from within a bush or similar obstruction, but may not be a part of a living creature or an object held by an enemy. If the space you emerge from is a small object like a pot or sack, you may Walk by causing your container to hop about. You are not a Natural Walker.
- As a movement action, you may withdraw into the opening you occupy. On your next turn, if you are not Halted, you may emerge from an appropriate place within (Your Movement) range, if possible; this uses your movement action. While you have withdrawn, any attack which targets the space you withdrew into most recently will hit you as normal, although you are Hard to Hit while withdrawn. You may not perform any actions or reactions while withdrawn.
- You may consume Paper items as a Healthy “food” item. You may still consume normal food as well. Once per Extended Rest, if you consume a “meal” of Paper or any other similar soft material such as Cloth or certain plant materials, you may produce up to (Discipline / 3) units of Material of Rank (Fortitude / 3) that the GM determines you find within the container or space you are currently occupying.
- You may only hold and use a single weapon or tool at any given time, although you may use two-handed weapons – excluding bows – and tools with one hand (which is all you have). You may remove, replace, or switch between any such items in your pack and Overflow Inventory as though they were stored on your belt.
- Choose one of the following: Fastball Special (Technique), Slap Down (Technique), Big Squeeze (Feat), Uppercut (Technique), Quick Withdraw (Technique), or Thief (Feat).
Play this if you want…
- … to get a good grasp on the situation.
- … to give your friends a hand.
- … a high-five!
- … pa-pa-pa-paper, please!
A Show of Hands (Description)
Some tell a tale of a mysterious hand which reaches out from within a toilet when one goes to use the restroom, while some chance to meet this mysterious entity firsthand. While many regard the character in this story with suspicion and apprehension, often these lonely souls are just in need of some assistance, and are happy to reward a kind soul! Even still, most people are reasonable to react with aversion when encountering such a being – you can never be too sure if someone you meet in the restroom has practiced proper hygiene.
A long arm ending in a clammy hand, these entities seem at least superficially to belong to some manner of humanoid, most apparently a Hylian. They are typically unkempt and unseemly, as they are often willing to get their hand dirty, at least to help others. On the other hand, some appear as well-manicured extremities, respectfully clad in a finely tailored glove or possibly even a rugged gauntlet. In any case, their arm seems uncannily long, and the spaces they emerge from don’t always seem large enough to house the apparent owner of the limb. Despite all efforts, none have seen past the shoulder of one of these folk, the space they emerge from always seeming to be shrouded in obscuring darkness, and attempting to look into the space after they have retreated within always seems to yield either an empty container or a heavily shadowed void. While capable of speech, their voices emit from within the space they are emerging from, and often sound slightly muffled (although usually still understandable) as a result. They are also typically fluent in the use of sign language.
While uncommon, these beings possess the uncanny ability to pop up almost anywhere, even in the most surprising places. Typically dwelling within toilets in restrooms, they can – if they choose – emerge from any manner of unexpected opening: the mouth of a jar, the inside of a bag, or an unremarkable hole in the wall. How they get there is unknown, and asking one their method is often met with confusion, as the process seems as mundane to them as walking. An explanation may never be learned.
Due to their common need to rely on others for assistance, many of these beings are often humble and grateful, although there are of course those who resort to manipulative tactics and might take advantage of others. In either case, these strange folk rarely allow the chance for a willing friend to slip through their fingers. These folk rarely try their hand at adventuring, especially not solitary adventurers due to their limitations and typically kind personalities. They tend to value exchange and reward handouts in generous ways, placing emphasis on sentimental and personal value over monetary worth. They often need paper, although none know what they do with it, and these entities are always too reluctant to admit. Their tradition is to always reward this gift with something useful, typically with something that fell into the opening they currently occupy.
Scissors, Rock, Pa-Pa-Paper! (Playing)
These beings tend to value cooperation, and do their best to aid and protect their allies. While their abilities would give them a unique advantage in Pickpocketing or Sneak Attacks, these folk rarely resort to such underhanded tactics, although those which specialize in grappling are often regarded as the masters of floors and walls.
Despite their obscured hiding space, these folk tend to have an easy time seeing from many other perspectives, and tend to have a good grasp on the situation at hand. They are commonly straightforward and honest, although often exceedingly polite. Typically lonely beings, they do tend to cling to the few friends they can manage to cultivate. They tend to react to confrontation by retreating, preferring to avoid conflict and keep to themselves whenever possible. They are not cowards by any stretch of the word, and are willing to aid those who need a hand. They rarely judge, and often treat disagreements among friends with an even-handed approach.
Others often regard an encounter with one of these beings with surprise and fright, although those who give them a chance tend to find them a pleasant individual. Such exchanges often leave common folk feeling unsettled, but the generous rarely leave empty-handed. Many who are willing to grasp the opportunity will often find themselves with a new friend, but many who are disturbed by the encounter find themselves unable to simply let go.
Handy allies in combat, these individuals are surprisingly mobile, and rarely find hazardous terrain to be much of an obstacle. A mindful marksman or mage can avoid any enemies laying a finger on them, although if caught unprepared, the hero may find themselves vulnerable to a devastating strike. Hand pun.
Mannerisms: generous, humble, grateful, unsettling, handy
Their Names often tend to relate to either exclamations of surprise or various concepts related to hands. Some provide proper names for themselves on occasion, while others might answer to any for of address applied by others, often identifiers related to their unusual nature.
Names: ???, Hand, Phoeni, Wha, Thing, Dexter
New Spell: Phoeni’s Freedom
6 Tokens
Learn Requirement: ???
Cost: 6 Magic (Bind)
Effect: While the magic is bound, you become a disembodied floating hand. You may Fly under your own power, but you are not a natural flyer. You do not need to occupy a hidden space, but you may not choose to hide inside a space as a movement action or reaction unless you are adjacent to an appropriate space.
New Technique: Quick Withdraw
3 Tokens
Learn Requirement: ???, 3 Agility
Cost: 6 Stamina
Use Requirement: You are targeted by an attack; you are not Slowed or Halted
Effect: If attacked, you may retreat into your hiding space to become hidden before the attack hits, but you must end any ongoing actions you are currently performing. You become Hard to Hit as normal for the attack which triggered this reaction.
New Technique: Slap Down
3 Tokens
Cost: 4 Stamina
Range: Melee
Damage: Weapon + Combat
Effect: Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, the target is Knocked Prone.
New Feat: Big Squeeze
6 Tokens
Learn Requirement: ???
Effect: You gain a +2 on Athletics rolls to begin or maintain a Grapple. Whenever you successfully roll to maintain (but not begin) a Grapple, you deal 2 damage to your Grappled foe, ignoring Defense.