Originally posted on the official website on September 1st, 2019
Spells from Link to the Past and Smash Bros. Core v2.01
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Art by Nintendo
While Reclaim the Wild has a good variety of Spells taken from all over the Zelda series, there were still some Spells that just didn’t make it in! There were also a few Spells from Super Smash Bros. that we just couldn’t find room for.
Today, we’re adding a few of those forgotten Spells to the repertoire of heroic wizards and warlocks all over Hyrule. Check ’em out below!

Art by Nintendo
9 Tokens
Learn Requirement: One other Spell that deals Ice-type damage
Cost: 20 Magic
Range: Burst 2
Damage: Weapon + (2x Willpower), Ice
Effect: Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, target is Frozen.
Palutena’s Heavenly Light
6 Tokens
Learn Requirement: One other Spell that deals Light-type damage
Cost: 12 Magic, Bind
Range: Burst 1
Effect: The area is now ensconced in a 10-square-tall pillar of light, which counts as Difficult Terrain for foes (but not allies). Any foes who enter the pillar, or begin their turn within the pillar, take (your Willpower / 2), Light damage, ignoring Defense.
During your turn, you may dismiss the pillar of light as a Free Action, returning the Bound Magic. The pillar can also be dispelled by any Dark attack. The pillar of light does not travel with you if you move away from it, and does not block line of sight or projectiles.
Sakurai’s Lightning Kick
6 Tokens
Cost: 6 Magic
Range: Melee
Damage: Weapon + Willpower, Shock
Effect: Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, you push the target 2 squares away. Regardless, if the target is in Peril after taking the damage from this attack, is Vulnerable to Shock, or this attack struck its Weak Point, then the target is pushed an additional 2 squares.
9 Tokens
Learn Requirement: One other Spell that deals Earth-type damage
Cost: 20 Magic
Range: 4 Targets within 12 Squares
Damage: Weapon + (2 x Willpower), Earth
Effect: Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, target is Off-Balance.